15 Modern Wine Storage Ideas In The Kitchen

Kitchen is a moist area besides the bathroom, this area is also very nice to keep your bottle of wine moist and protect the taste of wine. In addition, the wine is very affected by direct sunlight and heat, so if your kitchen is too warm, you should just keep a few bottles of wine there. It would be different if you put them in the refrigerator or on the kitchen wall, where you will be able to store more wine. There are many ways that you can do to keep a bottle of wine in the kitchen, you can store them in a closet or a kitchen table, on the wall, or even in the refrigerator. You also need to pay attention to far angles of fireplace or hot air vents to keep the wine bottle at perfect temperature.

Modern kitchens are very popular as a wine storage space, despite the traditional style also looks very attractive. From vintage storage furniture and wine bottle organizer to contemporary kitchen appliances, this modern wine storage idea will add style to your interior design. Here are 15 modern wine storage ideas in the kitchen to keep your wine close and make sure to stay organized, let’s check!


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