Refold Cardboard Standing Desk That Would Change Your Work

There is always something unique to each design furniture, one containing the unique standing desk design named refold. You might initially think that it would be weird to know that the main ingredient is cardboard, but the designer believes that there are always alternative choices like Matt, Fraser and Ollie designing the product of this belief. They challenge the expectation that working means sitting at the computer for hours during the day for a week. Starting from a small capital but who would have thought to make cool furniture from unexpected materials.

This cardboard standing desk is claimed to be able to withstand loads up to 85 kg, waterproof on desk surfaces to prevent coffee spills, easy to carry anywhere, and easy to install. I think it’s not just the workspace that is required to have this one desk, for those of you who live in a narrow dorm room also suitable to use this table because it can be dismantled and stored, this desk is also available in printable, paintable and customisable design.

See some pictures below and they are available for order!

Buy It: Refold


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