7 Pastel Bedroom Paint Ideas For Your Comfort

best pastel bedroom decor ideas

The bedroom is the most personal area where you usually unwind or just do activities you like. However, the main function of the bedroom remains a place where you can rest and sleep comfortably. There are many factors that influence the quality of a person’s sleep, one of which is the use of paint color or room decoration. To make your sleep more sound, it is recommended to choose soft colors such as pastel bedroom paint to improve sleep quality.

Adding soft colors like pastels can create a calming atmosphere so you can fall asleep easily and sleep soundly. So, why should you include a pastel color scheme as part of your bedroom? Pastel colors are derivatives of main colors that are added with a mixture of white or gray. Adding this color mixture makes a color look younger. For example, pastel green is the result of adding white to green.

In contrast to light colors, pastel colors are not so strong so the feel of the bedroom will be soft. Pastel colors are also often associated with calm and a positive mood. Here are some pastel bedroom paint ideas that you can try at home.

1. Pastel Yellow Bedroom

yellow bedroom color paint ideas

Many people avoid yellow because it is too bright and sometimes makes the room look crowded. The solution, you can try pastel yellow for the bedroom with a calmer look. Pastel yellow has a soft impression, but is still cheerful like yellow in general. This color is most suitable for decorating children’s and teenagers’ bedrooms.

2. Pastel Blue Bedroom

pastel blue bedroom color paint

Pastel blue reminds us of a bright blue sky. In the bedroom, you can apply this color paint to all parts of the walls and ceiling. As a complement, choose bedding with a dominant white or dark blue color.

3. Pastel Purple Bedroom

purple bedroom color paint ideas

Ordinary purple can really make a bedroom elegant. But if you apply it incorrectly, the bedroom might actually look darker. That is why, consider pastel purple as an alternative. This pastel bedroom paint is easy to combine with other colors and is suitable for various interior design styles.

4. Pastel Orange Bedroom

orange pastel bedroom color ideas

Who would have thought that pastel orange could look this beautiful in a bedroom? This color is almost similar to salmon and peach. However, the impression is softer and warmer. This pastel bedroom paint will be even more perfect if combined with wooden furniture.

5. Pastel Pink Bedroom

pastel pink bedroom color ideas

Pink lovers, come on in! You can create a super comfortable and soft bedroom with monochrome pastel pink colors. Starting from pastel pink paint all over the walls, down to the decorations and bedding.

6. Pastel Gray Bedroom

grey pastel bedroom color ideas

Pastel gray colors can create a modern, elegant and classic impression. The feel is cool so it can help you sleep better at night. This color bedroom paint works best with a variety of white or gray furniture.

7. Pastel Chocolate Bedroom

pastel brown bedroom color ideas

The final idea was inspired by warm and comfortable hotel rooms. What if it’s not pastel brown? Pastel brown color is safe to apply to all wall surfaces because it is neutral. For maximum results, try combining this paint color with all brown colors in other interior elements in the bedroom.


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