As we know that water is source of life, it is very refreshing and very natural in any room or garden. Backyard ponds, fountains and other water bodies can embellish a terrace or garden, but if you do not have enough space to accommodate pond or considered too difficult to make. It is mini pond ideas for each in indoor and outdoor, including a small front porch or backyard garden. It would take only a little space. The easiest way to create is to use the container as a base for pond, then you can put anything you like as a supporter: aquatic plants, flowers, and even a fish or frog. You can hide in the ground pond, or decorate as if they are antique, give a little shower to embellish, or even just leave like that. Checking mini pond inspiration from the picture below!
30 Fresh Mini Ponds For Little Garden Ideas
July 19, 2014 •
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