15 Cool Ways To Video Game Controller Storage

Are you a hardcore gamer? Or you are a collector of video game controller? It’s about the time when worst thing witnessed controllers scattered on a desk or in drawer with all the wires tangled together. Has been a lot of effort to get the house organized and looking for the right project for video game storage. I think every parent will experience the same problems for organizing solutions that can be the greatest curse for the family with all the gadgets, video games and controllers. In this post you will find cool way to storage ideas, it’s a good way to keep video game and controllers in a way that will not damage them. You can create your own DIY video game storage at no charge. Take advantage of unused cabinets into amazing controller racks, you can also install wall clips if you want to hang them to easily find, even old suitcase will also be very useful. Here are some video game controller storage and get inspired!

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