Storage rack or bookshelf is mandatory for home decoration furniture, in addition to shelf also allows you to organize items or storing essential daily needs. There are various bookshelf design with interesting shapes and colors, including wood bookcases, shelf tree, wall shelves and shelf shaped animals. Here we will give best collection of modern bookshelf ideas 2013, consisting of different bookcase design in general, and you can specify your own favorite. You may be bored with books scattered or goods to that do not fit in place, modern bookcase not only solve your problem but it can be as attractive decoration in house, check it out!
Wooden Roolling Shelf
Wooden rolling shelf have interesting shapes such as a rolled-up paper, you can place it on wall or be fresh for room decoration, wooden shelf can hold small furniture to beautify the room.
Malus Communis Shelf With Tree Ideas
Tree-shaped bookshelf ideas is unique and multifunctional, malus communis shelf can store more books because it has many branches and tree represents a refreshing green.
Wood Magnetic Shelves
Wood magnetic shelves is breaking new ground in design storage shelf, you can easily attach or remove shelf wherever you want, lightweight material that is safer for room.
Triangle Shelf Design
Triangle shelf design is larger and can accommodate more goods, consisting of many triangle are united to form amazing storage shelf. You can put a lot of potted plants or books within their desires.
Cave Bookshelves
Inside the cave there is bookshelves that serves as a place to sit, you can relax or spend time reading a book in a comfy cave bookshelves.
Twist Bookcase
Twist bookcase allows you to find books from all directions, you can place it in the middle of work space or empty places. Twist bookcase is one of our favorite modern bookshelves ideas.
Christmas Tree Bookshelf
Christmas tree bookshelf will be interesting as Christmas decorations, this bookshelf can be an inspiration to create the feel christmas in furniture.
Polar Bear Shelves
Animals theme always inspired interesting, polar bear shelves have a unique shape as well as funny that you can choose. Living room or family room will be more exciting with this rack design.
Graffititek Bookshelf
This bookcase more simple because only rectangular, but irregular storage space is the main attraction of this bookshelves design.
Modern Extending Bookcase
Overview is almost like closet shelf, but you can expand and turn it into a large bookcase, this bookcase you can use if you need more storage space.
Modern Simple Bookshelf
Modern bookshelf simple enough for a wall storage, you can even make it with your own creations.
Infinity Bookcase
Amazing bookcase with infinite storage space, the solution is likely to answer you if you are a collector of books.
Modern Shelf Ideas by Maria Yasko
Modern storage shelf by Maria Yasko comprises ideas of interesting bookcase, you can choose tree shelf and wall systems as an option.
Wooden Tree Bookshelf
A collection again with tree theme for the nursery, maintain natural color and every part you can use for storage.
Staircase Bookcase
2013 bookcase collection is not limited to, the ideas of standard staircase shelf is a fantastic design that you should try.
Never Ending Bookcase
You will have trouble finding the end of the book shelf, bookcase a never ending style furniture that you can collection.
Movement Bookcase
Movement Bookcase a cute doll-shaped, you can move it as you wish, consists of several dolls which also works for the bookshelf.
Spell Shelves
Spell shelves can be a learning because it consists of letters that together, you can decide your favorite characters.
source : toxel