10 Simple Ideas For indoor DIY Garden

Limited land is not an obstacle for those who want to bring garden into the house. You can work around this by creating a DIY indoor gardens in a simple manner. Indoor garden is an interesting option especially those living in urban areas or apartment without having spacious garden courtyard. Indoor garden design can be made simple by using plants in pots or using the vines on the walls of the house. Take advantage of some unused items such as mason jars, bottles, or even a bottle of wine as a potted plant. There are several benefits of using indoor garden ideas such savings compared to a garden outdoors. In addition, indoor garden can withstand the heat from the outside, reduce noise, increase the supply of oxygen and can beautify the room. Treatment is also quite easy to put the plants in the area affected by exposure to the sun, the way this is done so that your plants are always fresh and not quickly wither. Here are 10 DIY indoor garden that can be used as a reference for your home!

source: pinterest


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