Selecting wallpaper walls had to be in accordance with theme interior in your home to be attract and look amazing, attractive wallpapers that when installed will give the impression of beautiful and not boring. In determining type of wallpaper there are things you need to consider, here are some decorating tips for wallpaper ideas and 22 cool images to inspire you.
Choose Your Favorite Color
Begin specify wallpaper with your favorite colors. If you are a favorite with the color green, preceded of green color. Likewise, if you would prefer to grey. By selecting a color, at least you can be more concentration in ensuring the wallpaper to walls a place to stay. But remember, most wallpaper times today comes with a variety of interesting motifs. You could do wrong in determining this pattern motif. Try to determine a variety of motives fine line as your mood.
Set Room
This sort of thing is important because in the room wallpaper will be installed. Function room really had an influence on the motif that will be used. Most rooms have a place to stay on their characteristics and functions are different. The bathroom is rarely given wallpaper for the walls are always wet. But unlike the living room because you can be explorers in determining the style used.
Spacious Room
Certainly a contradiction in walls and wallpaper is what you need to avoid. This is where the area of the room acting factors, such as for a small space, can use wallpaper with a horizontal line so that the room looked great. It would be better not to determine the motive big and crowded for a narrow area. For spacious space, set wallpaper, dark or warm, brown instance. The room will seem warm and cozy.
Determining Wallpaper Motive
Motive game in a room can make the room look more attractive. To determine the motive along with theme the room, however generally divided according to size, large and small motifs. For example bedroom area, should avoid the use of large patterned motive with a smaller size and stay away from the use of large patterned motive to see some color contrast. Find the small motive in soft colors and soothing.
Find The Right Color
Determining color can change the feeling in the room or change the perception of the room. As in the bedroom, quiet situation definitely needed to rest. Thus, the choice of cool colors, such as shades of blue or green.
Know What Wallpaper Type
Type of wallpaper is absolutely to be known, should avoid the use of wallpaper that is difficult to treat. As natural wallpaper less perfect in the corridor frequented by people due to natural wallpaper usually in the form of woven and objects textured will easily get caught in this type of wallpaper surface.