Amazing Illuminates Treehouse In Jerusalem Museum

Talking about tree house has always been a fun topic, just as a modern, recently completed treehouse built in Jerusalem is truly amazing. Unlike most tree houses we know, you can not stay in them, even though it’s the kind of place somebody wants to lie in and stay for a while. Designed by architects Ifat Finkelman and Deborah Warschawski, new tree house is equipped with a bumpy playground in the yard entrance Youth Wing for Art Education at the Israel Museum, Jerusalem. It has a real pine tree structure and is constructed of a 2 cm wooden plank affixed to a steel frame.

There was a lot of fun in the tree house, although there is a small road to the hiding place, round traditional treehouse complex in this still allows you to climb. As we can see, the net that covers the rod on the interior can rise, as well as the pole that will take you up from the ground. And the night is something amazing from this tree house, the net illuminates so the tree house becomes a kind of floating flare. Let’s check!

source: curbed


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