Mountain house is an extraordinary project by Milad Esthiyaghi in Vancouver, British Columbia. The design idea started from an existing base on the site of an old tree. Architects want to build this project while maintaining the original shape without cutting or moving the tree so it stays around a tree, while the backyard is in the trees.
This house is divided into three levels according to client needs. One level for the family room, one level for the son of the family and his wife, all of these levels are connected to the level above which is a sports and recreation room. The canopy can be opened and closed mechanically dependent on the movement of the sun, or depending on the person. Valley side windows can also be opened and closed so that the windows become terraces and terraces become windows, and the structure of this system is a cable structure.
Mountain house is a modeling project in the 3-D MAX 2019 kit and after completing the modeling of materials and exposures on V-RAY 4.1 and checking the rendering steps with photo shop post production operations have been implemented to get flawless results and real rendering.