35 Miracle DIY Miniature Fairy Garden Ideas

Fairy garden has become a new trend nowadays, especially since Walt Disney created the fairy through the creative use of Pixie characters and Tinker Bell in Peter Pan. Everyone seemed enchanted with the world of fairies and magic, especially the women who want to get a fairy in the garden of their house or apartment. It’s like gardening a fun DIY project when you want to try to create a little world of your own imagination. If in Japan we know bonsai plants, fairy garden will need more creativity you like to make mushroom houses, small furniture, footpath, or even a flower garden with mini size. Fairy garden is believed to create a sense of magic for some even think that the park is in fact interesting creatures or supernatural spirits to their residence. However, knowing that many of us only see DIY fairy garden just as a decorative touch or as accessories for home decor.

There are many designs fairy garden where you can easily get, as you can search the internet and find many useful blog/website. Similarly, there are many magazines and on line store of quality that provides everything you need to build a fairy garden. The following 35 fairy garden ideas that will help you find the best design, scroll down and get inspired!

source: homebnc

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