20 Pretty Dorm Room Ideas For Popular Girls

The dorm rooms are usually tends to narrow, dark and difficult to set up. This assumption was not one for staying there is dominated by a student or students, perhaps because those dorm rooms are just a temporary resting place while they are learning a higher level. For those who are creative, dorm rooms can be transformed into beautiful room decor, space limitations and the difficulty of putting furniture is not an obstacle to make your dorm room stay comfortable. One of the most popular and most easily encountered girls dorm rooms. The girls are happy to always perform optimally, so do not be surprised if their dorm room is also full of beautiful and charming decor. It may be true that a narrow room will make it difficult for you to place some of your favorite items or furniture, but you can use the blank wall as an area to vent your imagination. More girls dorm room walls display photos or posters of their favorite, while the lamp cord was still very much to beautify their rooms. You can also add some plants in the room to make the room feel more fresh, some indoor plants can be hung or you put on a bookcase to save a lot of space.

Today I fell in love with 20 pretty dorm room ideas for the most popular girls in college, they are energetic, passionate and give new colors to dorm rooms that are always considered boring. See how 20 girls dorm rooms will make you enchanted and scroll down to tons of inspiration!


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